Shem Olam Faith & the Holocaust Institute for Education, Documentation & Research


Our Staff

The Team is comprised of high-quality professionals in the fields of research, documentation, education and various administrations. Also we have an excellent team of local professionals in various countries primarily responsible for locating and uncovering documents , journals and exhibits in the areas of spiritual belief and and faith.

Rabbi Avraham Krieger - Director: Graduate of Yeshivat Kerem Yavne and ordained for the Rabbinate. Rabbi Kriegerg served as instructor and educator for more than 20 years. He is studying for his Ph D and has a Master`s degree from the University of Haifa in the History of Israel Studies. Rabbi Krieger is the founder and head of the institute, has a worldwide reputation in his field, and his articles and research have been posted and published at important venues and abroad.

Heads of departments and projects:
Rabbi Moshe Haba - Director of Education
Ms. Orit Hermon - Director of Content Development and Programs
Ms. Miriam Ariel – Head of Archive
Rabbi Tzvi Wilner - Shem Olam in Academic Circles
Rabbi Idan Opatowski - Pedagogical Center
Professor Sara Bender - Senior historian of the Research Department
Motti Isaak - Community Projects abroad

Other professionals in their respective fields are affiliated with the various activities, including:

The Research Team: This team includes researchers, historians and people with a background of Torah studies who carry out research , on the basis of documents uncovered by the Institute. . The team includes six members.

Lecturers: The staff comprises of lecturers in Hebrew and an additional lecture team specializing in foreign languages, primarily for English speakers.

цееъ дошцйн: дцееъ брей оцееъ ошцйн бтбшйъ еоцееъ ошцйн ресу мщфеъ жшеъ, бтйчш мгебшй арвмйъ.
дцееъ оерд щйщд ошцйн оресйн еайлеъййн еамйдн оъеесфйн ошцйн зйцерййн мдшцаеъ рчегъйеъ.

цееъ ашлйеп: дцееъ лемм азшайъ ашлйеп лммйъ, лщмшщеъд цееъ сйет.
бцееъ дсйет рорйн оъшвойн ощфеъ жшеъ, цееъ джръ зеош есшйчеъ гйвйимйеъ. лое лп цееъ очимвйн едйсиешйерйн, досййт бдмйк доешлб елп отбгъ щйоеш чбетд.

цееъ фгвевй: цееъ жд оешлб о-3 арщй очцет отемйн дщечгйн тм дфшсеойн дзйрелййн щм "щн темн" елп бдлръ дйзйгеъ дщереъ мозмчд дзйрелйъ.

цееъ ордмй: цееъ арщй очцет бъзен длсфйн, ъзжечд ебйрей.

цееъ озчш зе"м: цееъ жд оешлб озечшйн очеоййн байшефд щъфчйгн маъш бочешеъ щерйн емшлещ емдтъйч очешеъ, осолйн еоецвйн дчщешйн мъзен дшез едаоерд. цееъ жд доешлб о-10 зечшйн оецб лйен бфемйп, ц'лйд, дервшйд, аечшайрд емйиа.

бреъ щйшеъ маеой: бреъ дщйшеъ дйрп ошлйб йчш езщеб мцееъ долеп босйшеъ ебрлереъ едп оъочгеъ бсграеъ, бошлж дфгвевй ебашлйб.